I have been experiencing a weird issue over the past few weeks, the beetle starts from cold like a new car. But when I drive and it gets good and hot say 5 minutes or 25 minutes, if I stop for a short time and go to restart it struggles. I think I know the cause and it is vapor lock. When I put the new gas line from the filter out to the pump it was a bit long and quite close to the exhaust. I think it might be starving for gas. If I push start it, it starts right up.
So my fix was to cut the hose 2″ shorter and move it to the slightly higher hole in the firewall. The first test run was positive. I’ll go on a little longer test run tomorrow.
This is what it looked when I started.

In my beetle there are two holes in the firewall, it was going through the lower hole, so I put a grommet in the higher hole to avoid friction wearing the line down and to get it up away from the exhaust header.

As an aside, these Stahlwille 12975 fuel line clamps are the best I have ever used. They are available from KC Tool here: https://www.kctool.com/stahlwille-12975-fuel-hose-clamp/

I’ll report back later.