Not beetle exactly, but it is part of my garage, so I’ll call it beetle related. I have a Craftsman 2000 series workbench. It has the ability to add drawers underneath, well I added one… then another. Which leaves an 11.25″ space that was just begging to be better used. Having watched a few too many Adam Savage videos about his workshop I got to it. I used some angle iron to make this little rolling shelf unit. I don’t have the right stuff, I should get a mig welder and not use my stick welder and most importantly a different saw to cut the iron. But it worked!

A jigsaw cutting angle iron was a pain. I should get one of the Swag offroad kits with a portable band saw. Oh well.

All cut up and ready to be welded.

A fun Sunday project and it helps me get a bit more organized.