I have noticed my blinkers are not the brightest. It is due to them being cheap LEDs. I also drive a 60 MPH road to get to town. Figuring that brighter is better I looked for something new. A bit too much googling and I ended up buying a set of amber KC HiLites rock lights. The install was straight forward, just some adapters to mount it in my fenders, I might change them to flush mount, but I like how bright they are and how they look for now.

The old lights were small, possibly trailer lights, held in by glue.

I did not want to drill the fenders for flush mounting the new lights, but now that I am done, maybe I should have. Too late for that today.

What I decided on was to make mounting plates out of plexi glass. This way I did not have to cut the fenders. I may replace the plexi plates with aluminum plates.

The mount is really nice, you get what you pay for with KC.

They sit mostly flush and wow are they bright.

I think they look nice too.

. Parts:
- KC HiLites Cyclone V2 Amber Rock Lights https://www.kchilites.com/cyclone-v2-addon-kit-amber.html
- KC HiLites surface mount adapters https://www.kchilites.com/cyclone-v2-led-light-adapter-mount-surface-single-1371.html