I noticed that the mount on my muffler has split up from the muffler itself.

I figured I’d get to this eventually, but then I started to notice a clunk when going over bumps or when I fully pressed down the clutch lever while reversing. I thought this might be a broken trans mount. Before I undertook that job which looked like a huge pain, I figured I would replace the muffler to see if maybe that was my clunk cause.
A new muffler from J-Bugs arrived and I got to it.

The old muffler was pretty easy to remove I had to spray some WD-40 on the muffler to header mount and just wiggle it out.

Now before we get to putting the new muffler on, it did come pre scratched and dinged, since it is a baja it is ok I guess…

Now putting the new muffler back on, that was a learning experience. Try as I might I could not join the muffler and header in holy matrimony. The previous installer just crimped the heck out of it and the new muffler would not go in. I tried anti-sieze, mallets, etc, but then I had to buy a tubing expander.

NAPA sells a tubing expander cheaper than you can rent one for from Oreilly. I got a Belkamp/Evercraft for $24 with a lifetime warranty. You know, if I every use it again.

This worked amazingly well, it got the crimp from the exhaust clamp out in minutes.

I replaced the old exhaust clamp with a new stainless one while I was at it.

So the question on your mind, besides fixing the broken muffler mount, did the clunk go away? YES! The clunk was not a broken trans mount, but rather a broken muffler mount. I am super stoked on the whole project and the clunk resolution.
- Empi 3340 Quiet Pack Muffler https://www.jbugs.com/product/3340.html
- NAPA / Belkamp Exhaust Pipe Expander 7769210 https://www.napaonline.com/en/p/BK_7769210