Ride to the Butte

Since we last spoke I have been trying to diagnose the stalling issue. My test was 20 miles of short trips in my “neighborhood” without using the electric pump. I had no issues! With that great news I cruised down to Prostitute Butte with my Travis who happens to run Flat Fender Aficionado Monthly.

All was good, we were about 8 miles in and it died. We got to diagnosing. I took off the air filter and manually pumped the throttle. Very little gas came out, sometimes none at all. The electric pump moved no gas when we tried it. Again I bypassed the mechanical fuel pump and we were off. Oh but this did not work as expected!

One odd fact, when we pulled the outlet fuel hose out of the mechanical pump you could hear it sort of hiss or make a buzz. Anyway we started off but then things happened…

On the way back, we could hear the electric pump change pitch to a loud racket, meaning no gas in the pump! We would toggle it on and off and it usually returned to normal. We pulled the tank, jiggled hoses and made it back. So this makes me think the problems are the way I routed the hose from the tank to fuel filter to the pump. I got home, hooked the mechanical pump up again and then bypassed the electric one.

This is the way the hoses were routed.

Now it has been bypassed.

Well there has been 5 miles of test drive since I bypassed the hose. Wish me luck.

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